About Us

Vision Photography Inc. is a combination of knowledge, technology, experiences, interactive personalities and professionalism that appeals to the modern client.
Both of our photographers are technically sound and highly experienced in wedding and commercial photography. Both photographers have undergone 18 months of intense study and mentorship under Bob Kiss; studying both techniques of advanced photography as well as creative techniques.
Bob Kiss was formally trained in the Rochester Institute of Technology five-year BS/MS program and was a Manhattan based fashion and advertising photographer until he settled in Barbados in 1993 after twenty years in the fashion fast lanes of Paris, Munich, Milan, London, L.A., Rio, and Sao Paulo. He shot for the European Vogues, Italian Men's Bazaar, Andy Warhol's INTERVIEW magazine, among many others, as well as for numerous Fashion and cosmetic clients (see www.bobkiss.com).
These commercial fashion techniques have been seamlessly integrated in the real wedding images of Vision Photography. Images are captured primarily on full frame Canon 5D Mk2 digital cameras with Canon 5D Mk1 cameras also carried as backups or alternates. When crop sensor cameras are required, the Canon 7D is used. All lenses are of the L series class. Professional photographers use professional grade equipment.